Our yearbook is student-generated and done by 5th graders under the supervision of the 5th grade teachers. Students must apply for the position and be able to stay after school often.
Safety Patrol is comprised of 5th graders who help after school with the car-rider line. Students must apply and be accepted. They must be able to stay after school until 3PM.
Eastside's second graders begin early in the Spring getting our greenhouse ready for the annual Mother's Day Plant Sale. The entire grade level is involved, working with the Master Gardeners and many other volunteers. First, they clean the greenhouse and wash the pots. Mrs. Zabinsky uses last year's profit to buy more pots and seedlings. Then the volunteers help plant seedlings. Just before Mother's Day, the plants are ready to sell! Join us this year and buy beautiful houseplants, bedding plants, and vegetable plants. Profit is used to provide plants for K-1 parents, to add features to the nature area, and to fund next year's project.
At the end of the school year, some fourth graders will have the opportunity to try out for the ETV News Team for the next school year. These students will be recommended by his/her teacher and will be selected by the Eastside Leadership team based on a persuasive writing essay.